Dominican College, Muckross Park, and the wider Dominican Community  experienced a profound loss this summer. Sr Norah O'Connor OP, Principal from 1981 to 1989, and again from 1991 to 1997, Chaplain for the last twelve years, and staunch friend to and confidante of innumerable students, past pupils, staff members and management, died unexpectedly and peacefully on Sunday July 10th.


Sr Norah represented all that was best about Dominican education.  Her deep faith informed her wise and humane understanding of individuals. She was particularly observant when it came to anyone suffering from difficulties or frailties, and unobtrusive and unfailing in her support. She was an excellent listener and her patience allowed many of us to find our way to insights we might not have otherwise achieved.


Right up to her last moments, she was thinking of Muckross. She wanted very much to attend the funeral on July 12th of Dan Slattery, brother of past and current students Laoise, Ana, Meabh, Cate and Aoife Slattery, who recently died in a tragic accident in Oregon. She prayed for them and for all the intentions, large and small, of the Muckross Community.


We will miss her dreadfully but are confident that she is at peace. We will do our best to continue her legacy of selfless devotion to her faith and to Muckross. 



Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis.