The network of Dominican Schools and Colleges in Ireland has inherited a rich tradition in Education. Each succeeding generation has found new ways of passing on Christian values. Now at the beginning of another millennium with its advanced technology and new means of conveying information and knowledge, we discern how these resources can assist us to continue to build a community centred on Christ. In our search for Truth we:-
We aim to establish a real partnership which will:-
'Fill your minds with everything that is good' (St. Paul, Phil 4:8). Inspired by these words and by the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-30), we provide a broad curriculum which involves:-
Formation in the specifically Catholic tradition of our schools will involve:-
We proclaim the essential goodness of all creation and of the human person made in the image of God. Reflecting on the Parable of the Sower, we foster a pastoral approach which is embedded in the daily life of the school and is characterised by:-
We seek:-
St. Dominic's, Ballyfermot; St. Dominic's, St. Catherine's, Casa Catherina, Cabra; Dominican Primary School, Dun Laoghaire; St. Catherine's, St. Dominic's, St. Rose's, Falls Road; Dominican College, Fortwilliam; Dominican College, Griffith Avenue; Dominican College, Scoil Rois, Taylor's Hill, Galway; Scoil Chatriona, Scoil Mobhi, Mobhi Road; Dominican College, Muckross Park; Dominican College, Portstewart; St. Catherine's College, Froebel College, Dominican College, Beninicasa, Sion Hill; St. Dominic's, Sutton; Holy Rosary Primary School, Dominican College, Wicklow.
D eveloped in a spirit of trust and freedom, linked with responsibility
O pen to the wider community - local, national, European and global
M indful of Justice issues
I nclusive rather than exclusive
N eeds of the individual supported
I mmersed in Gospel values
C atholic in focus, daily practice, liturgy and prayer
A lways gentle, reverent towards others
N ourishes the gifts of each student - all made in the image of God
E licits the co-operation of students
D irects its efforts towards integrating faith and culture
U nited as a Staff with a common vision
C ommunity based with Christ as centre
A lert to the signs of the times and willing to adapt to changing conditions
T ruth pursued in every area and seen as a life-long search
I nvolves parents in a meaningful way
O pposed to unhealthy competition, academic cramming
N eed for pastoral care essential
Source: In Search of Truth - The Dominican Way
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